Taiwan will Now Come To Global Limelight And appreciated

Taiwan will Now Come To Global Limelight And appreciated


Taiwan will Now Come To Global Limelight And Appreciated

Taiwan has rightly criticized the World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus together with many other countries. In addition, addressing an online forum held by a Washington-based conservative think tank, Joseph Wu, the foreign minister of the Taiwan, outlined that Taiwan’s effective prevention work shows that its democratic system can successfully stem the spread of the epidemic in a different way from China’s authoritarian system. Wu’s remarks were appreciated by netizens: Taiwan in spite of many confirmed coronavirus cases has hardly anything as compared with China. Wu has rightly called it a success.

As the Wuhan pandemic has spread to almost all countries, many have been hit hard and unable to effectively handle the situation. This has happened mostly due to the fact that the Communist regime in China controlled the news related to the worsening situation inside their countries and WHO failed to issue timely warnings to others.

Suppressing any news regarding contagious pandemics is a taboo to epidemic prevention and control. China has made remarkable achievements in controlling the spread of disease inside China but in bargain spread it to the rest of the world. Chinese anti-epidemic model has destroyed the free world. China repeatedly emphasized that situation was not so grave and did not issue timely travel ban.
The island of Taiwan has been less impacted by the pandemic than countries like Japan and South Korea because it took timely measures instead of acting like China. Wu also declared that Taiwan would share its anti-epidemic model with the rest of the world.

Because of its narrow-mindedness, the Chinese Communist Party could not recognize the key trends of the changing world. Therefore instead of issuing timely warnings it followed clamp down on news itself.

Now slowly the blame of spread of this Wuhan Virus is shifting to both China and the WHO as it continued to pass the buck. The world now knows about all those who played the dirty tricks.

The Taiwan authorities have advised Chinese authorities not to be so reckless in such things as there is nothing to hide. With the deepening of China-US and China – Taiwan differences and with China showing aggressiveness, any misjudgments and rash moves made by China or the other side will likely turn the Taiwan Straits into a flashpoint that will severely impact the world order in the post-pandemic era. Both Chinas will face real danger at that time.

Many people worry that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to bring the world into the most serious disorder and chaos since World War II. Countries had no choice left but to responded to the pandemic from a geopolitical perspective, which now poses the biggest threat to the world. This is a severe test to major power relations.

The world has entered an eventful period, during which every country big like China or small like Taiwan need to play an active role.