Taliban Refuses to recognize Durand Line, Cuts Pakistani Erected Border Fence

The Durand line, established by the British, was declared as the western border of British India with Afghanistan. However no Afghan ruler or Afghan Government has ever recognized it ever since. After partition of India in 1947, the Government of Pakistan declared it as the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan but was not ratified by Afghanistan. Accordingly even the Taliban Government Afghanistan has refused to recognize it as it divides Pushtuns on both sides of the border.
In recent years, Pakistan has nearly completed its barbed wiring on the entire Duran Line that stretches some 2,400 km with Afghanistan. However now the Taliban forces have destroyed a barbed wire erected by Pakistani forces on the Durand line which divides Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Afghan media reported on Tuesday.
The incident took place in Gushta district in the eastern province of Nangarhar and the Taliban brought the destroyed barbed wire into Afghanistan.
The Taliban-appointed head of the General Directorate of Intelligence of Nagarhar province, Doctor Bashir, led the operation.
A video clip from the scene showed Bashir warning the Pakistani forces with harsh repercussions if they put up the barbed wire again.
“Next time if you look at Afghanistan, I will come and make this area… my frontline to wage war with you. I swear by Allah that waging war with you makes me happier than waging war with Jews,” Bashir said.
According to unconfirmed sources, Pakistani forces launched artillery attack on Kunar province on Monday night after the Gushta incident.