The mashed potatoes being baked and served by Guardian Weekly

The mashed potatoes being baked and served by Guardian Weekly


The mashed potatoes being baked and served by Guardian Weekly

There was an English politician who had once boasted that “A single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia”. It seems that people who write for Guardian magazine / newspaper of that same England have still not come out of the mind set of that despicable Thomas Babington Macaulay, a British pseudo historian who was nothing more than a street smart thug of a Whig politician who also served as their War Minister in late 1830s.

His mind-set was amply expressed in a book written by him The History of England wherein he has expressed his contention of the superiority of the West European Culture and the inevitability of its socio-political process. It is only now that India is slowly eradicating the effects of his “Minutes of Education in India “.

However in less than less than 200 years of Thomas Babington writings, that same India is now the third largest economy in the World as per its purchasing power, the true indicator of any thriving economy. Even as per the dollarized methodology of measuring an economy, now India is at the fifth place, having relegated Britain to sixth place. India has reached this position in spite of 45 trillion pounds looted by the ilk of Macaulay during the period they held the Diwani of Mughal Emperor till 1857. Thereafter the Diwan banished the Emperor and took direct control. Presently the erstwhile Diwan stands at ninth rank on the Economic ladder in PPP terms.

Today India has emerged as a major space power having sent its Chandrayaan to Chandrama, a mission to planet Mangal and a Surya mission to study the Surya from the closest point possible. Soon it will be having its own space station and a base on Chandrama.

With its Thorium based Fast Breeder Reactors, in a few years India will have solved its energy problem along with the pollution/ Carbon emissions problem. It will also be a formidable military power and a major pole of the multipolar world. Whereas once upon the “ Great “, Britain now comprises just England, Wales, Occupied Scotland and Occupied Northern Ireland, Occupied Chagos archipelago, Occupied Malvinas and few odd sundry islands here and there. It has been kicked out of the European Union too.

Less than 80 years back there were many establishments where boards displayed by these Britishers use to read “ Dogs and Indians Not Permitted.” Today a practicing Hindu is residing with his family at 10 Downing Street, London. Though the white Protestant majority seething with frustration and anger are already scheming to remove him from there.

However instead of worrying about his own land, one Christophe Jafferlot, who does research pertaining to GREAT GAME in King’s College, London, and is still trying to play the game through his book on Gujarat Under Modi. He should better do a research to compare Winston Churchill with Hitler. After all Churchill killed more Indians in Bengal than number of Jews killed by Hitler.

Also instead of worrying about democracy in UK and even in USA, the Guardian is busy spreading half truths and lies about India in general and PM Modi in particular. It writes among other things that Modi is not popular in Southern part of India, overlooking the percentage of votes the NDA alliance led by PM Modi received in the Southern States in the 2019 General Elections. In Karnataka it was 54%, in Kerala it was 15 %, in Tamil Nadu it was 31%, in Andhra it was 1%( Congress got less than 2%) and Telangana 20%.

The Guardian thinks that even Indian Courts behave like the British Judges who because of their prejudices have failed to extradite thief’s and looters who are staying as State Guests in UK after fleeing India. After all birds of same feather flock together !!!

No wonder Guardian Weekly has huge objections because the Indian Courts have so far upheld the freezing of funds of the Congress Party by the Income Tax Department for tax evasion / non compliance. After all they tolerate the BBC which too has been made to trim down its vast disruptive network in India for tax evasion.

Guardian is none too happy with thousands of Crores of unaccounted cash recovered from political leaders who have been looting the country or simply carrying on the British tradition !!! Guardian has problem that such leaders are not from BJP !!

Again Guardian has problems that BJP has received more than INR 12000 Crores as donations through political bonds, a methodology introduced by NDA government to make such donations accountable. Earlier during Congress Raj such donations were unaccountable and generated only black money. Guardian also chose to omit the fact that opposition parties too received an amount of nearly INR 8000 crores.

Guardian also says that the 200 million Indian Muslims live in fear of the balance of 1400 million Indians all because of PM Modi and his Hindu Nationalist BJP. This is a blatant white lie propagated by the white Protestant Christians.

Guardian is fully aware of the fact that hardly any Muslim family migrated out of Gujarat after the Gujarat Riots initiated by vested interests of Opposition to discredit the newly appointed Chief Minister Modi. However has Guardian has not written anything about nearly entire lot of Kashmiri Pandits who had to leave Kashmir Valley after fierce rounds of massacres. They have not been able to return to the Valley even now.

 The Despicable Weekly needn’t worry about the 200 million Muslims in India. In fact Clement Atllee and his hoodlum gang in 1947 first deliberately planned the division of India based on religion and permitted that nincompoop Radcliffe to draw a line through Punjab as he pleased. Therefore it was the responsibility of Atllee and Mountbatten to ensure that entire lot of 35 million Muslims were sent to their promised land. However they now number 200 millions, proof enough that they are living and thriving in India. They consider India as their motherland and are free to practice their religion. However there will not be any politics of appeasement anymore.

In contrast the 9.7million Hindus left in Pakistan have been now reduced to 3.9 million because of forced conversions and killings.

PM Modi is coming back for his third term. There is a tremendous revival of nationalism as it is the most durable basis for organizing our country and society. We are now returning back to the roots of our Sanatan Dharma and will not be apologetic about it. You have been indulging in Crusades against your Jihadi Comrades but now our ancient civilization will bring peace to the world once again.