The Two Parliaments

The Two Parliaments


The Two Parliaments

British Parliament

  1. Salaries Increase once in 6 years
  2. Performance of MP is rated every 2 years
  3. If performance below 50% MP is debarred & cost of re election recovered from MP
  4. Public are given rating option about performance outside MP office
  5. Cannot contest More than 2 terms
  6. MP fund expenditure is monitored & Verified by 3 tier vigilance dept
  7. Separate courts are set up for speedy trial of corrupt people.
  8. MP is sentenced for over 15 years if found of misuse of public funds
  9. Just 5 Corruption allegations in last 30 years

Indian Parliament

  1. Salaries increase once in 3 years
  2. No Performance rating in India
  3. Non Performance even below 10°/0 also, no action is taken & can continue as long as he wants
  4. No such system In India
  5. Can Contest as many times
  6. Most cases, family members & friends are handling finance of MP5 Vigilance dept dance to tunes of MP
  7. No such system exists in India.
  8. We have law to punish them between 3-6 years, but hardly 1°,0 are imprisoned.
  9. Over 18,000 corruption cases in last 30 years.