This is How Evil People Behave

This is How Evil People Behave


This is How Evil People Behave

Keep out of harms way by being cautious of evil people around you. It is quite difficult to evaluate anyone and you should not try to do so with all your friends and acquaintances. However there are few universal traits, be aware of them.

Passive Aggressors

Being insulted by someone who is passive-aggressive can be tricky to figure out. The insults are hurled but it can be difficult for you to even figure out that they’re meant to be for you. Their remarks though not addressed to you, but you’ll realize that they are aimed at you. Despite their words being evasive, they will still have an effect on you whether you like it or not. Passive-aggressive people are negative and indirectly hostile. They give out insincere and backhanded compliments, often implying someone’s success is a fluke when in truth, they are envious of that person’s achievement. They are also hypercritical. They’re always venting and complaining about the smallest things. These are people who shoot down everything because no suggestion or proposal is good enough for them.

They’re Manipulative

Evil people don’t care about the repercussions of their actions, for as long as they aren’t the ones who get affected by them. People that are malicious are also manipulative, making sure that what they say goes, regardless of how it happens or whom they might hurt in the process. Evil manipulators will persuade, lie, do anything that they can just to get what they want, and they won’t have any feelings of remorse, not even a little bit. Their goal in life is to make other people feel guilty then completely control them to get what they want. They believe that their method is the best and only way because it guarantees their needs are met, and since they put primary importance on their own needs, that is all that matters. What other people think, feel, need, and want does not matter. Such manipulators will take advantage of other people’s emotional sensitivity and sympathy. They will abuse your kindness and helpfulness and will reel you in to help them get what they want.

They Always Believe They’re Right

Evil people will always believe that they’re right, no matter whom they are talking to, or what they are talking about. They won’t take anyone else’s thoughts or feelings into account because they’re incredibly arrogant, and they consider their own opinions as facts. They need to be always right, and unfortunately, to maintain their image of faultlessness, they would criticize and even laugh at those whose views oppose theirs. While debating with others, even if they are at the losing end, they will insist that what they think is the absolute truth, refusing to lose face. If you find yourself dealing with someone like this, don’t even bother arguing because they won’t let you win… ever. They will stop talking and hanging out with you when you have a disagreement. They are inflexible and are not willing to compromise their beliefs for the sake of friendship or to maintain a diplomatic professional relationship. They’re not diplomatic or tactful, and they would stubbornly insist on what they want until you agree with them.

They Take Joy In Other People’s Failures

Malicious people enjoy other people’s misfortune. Not only do they actually like it when others fail, but they actually hope that it won’t be the last time. If they’re pretending to be your friend, they will ignore your efforts at success and even discourage you. They’ll quickly pinpoint and highlight why things won’t go your way. Worse yet, evil people will add fuel to the fire and try to make the situation worse in any way they can. They see other people as rivals or competition, threatening their own success, so they will find ways to sabotage other people’s performance and set them up for failure. They will undermine other people by highlighting their mistakes, demeaning their achievements, directly challenging them and putting them on the spot during meetings, or crack a joke at their expense. If you know someone like this, keep your distance.

They Are Compulsive Liars

They will lie about anything that would make them appear more important. And to make matters worse, they do not only lie about themselves, but they make up lies about other people too, not caring whom they hurt in the process. They enjoy badmouthing even their closest friend, and they’ll make up stories to get people on their side. And if that isn’t bad enough, if those lies catch up to them, they’ll just make up another one or worse, blame it on you. They thrive on others’ misery, and the more miserable other people become, the better they feel about themselves. These compulsive liars also tend to add words such as “to be honest”, “to tell you the truth”, and “believe me” just to emphasize their alleged truthfulness. It’s exhausting to have a compulsive liar in your life because you’ll always doubt their words, and you’re concerned they might spread rumors that could be devastating to your reputation or career.

They Never Say Sorry

Black-hearted people never say sorry, even if they know that they’re at fault. It even comes to a point where they truly believe that they don’t have anything to say sorry about, even if they are truly at fault. Not only do they refuse to acknowledge their mistakes, they seriously think that their actions don’t need any excuses. Self-centered and self-righteous, they also believe they are above reproach. They cannot admit any wrongdoing because admitting so means acknowledging they have flaws. Since they have trouble separating their actions from their character, they think that if they admit they did something wrong, then they’re bad people. But since they’re egocentric, it’s hard for them to accept that they did anything wrong and should assume responsibility to correct their mistake. They would rather lie than apologize. They will twist a story, change the facts, and retell it so convincingly that they will believe their blamelessness in their version of an incident.

They Are Highly Egotistical

Those that won’t talk about anyone else but themselves, then chances are they are not good people. Regardless of your issues or your problems, selfish people will just keep bringing the subject back to themselves and their issues. Since everything is about them, don’t expect them to listen to, or to even be remotely interested in, what you have to say. These are the people who are busy typing or swiping at their phones while you’re talking to them. They would even yawn loudly when you’re speaking to show you how bored they are until you change the conversation to be about them. Unlike real friends who listen, these people don’t care and will rarely bring up topics you’ve shared with them in the past… when they weren’t listening to you. They are also self-absorbed show-offs who are extremely confident about their looks and achievements, and they would not fail to remind you how better they are compared to everyone else. This just proves that they are both egotistical and narcissistic, and that their deep and dark need to feed their egos is really their main concern.

They Are Controlling

Hateful people need to be in control of all situations, regardless of how they manage to do it or who gets hurt along the way. It is second nature to them to assert their dominance or superiority over other people. They want to control everything and everyone around them. Being in control allows evil people to go on with their deceitful ways in order to get what they want, having zero regard for anyone else. It doesn’t matter what they need to do in order to gain control, or whom they might step on, for as long as their way is the only way. They have no concept of boundaries and they are relentless in pursuing what they want. They get overly upset when someone disagrees with them, and they won’t stop until they’ve convinced or forced everyone to follow what they say. Their need to be right all the time is overbearing, and people who are not completely aligned with them will either be forced to agree or rudely silenced.

They’re Incredibly Mean

There’s no other way to say it but those with bad intentions are just incredibly mean. Not only do they laugh at the expense of their supposed friends, but they also treat them horribly and put them down most of the time. They purposefully say or do things that aim to hurt or belittle someone. They find pleasure in being mean, and their actions are intentional and malicious. Because they are self-absorbed and have no regard for others, they find ways to feel good at the expense of other people. They confuse respect with fear, believing that they will gain respect by mistreating others. They obtain a sense of fulfillment by being mean, and they engage in mean behavior to gain attention and power. They believe that by having the ability to mentally or emotionally hurt someone, they have control over that person, and they become more powerful.

Everyone Else Is To Blame

Hideous people will never accept that they are to blame—for anything. They will always pass on the blame to someone else, even when they know that they are at fault. Not only will they turn every situation around to not get blamed, but they’ll also stop at nothing so that their own “impeccable” reputation can’t be tarnished. They avoid accepting responsibility for their failures by blaming others for causing it. It’s not that they don’t understand what responsibility is; they just refuse to take responsibility for their actions, but they will make you take responsibility for yours—along with theirs. If you confront them about their negative behavior, they will guilt trip you into thinking everything was actually your fault, and you’re horrible for insinuating they are to blame. So, they’re not only good at blaming everyone else, but they’re also highly skilled at playing the victim. They are masters of emotional blackmail.

They Continuously Belittle Others

Evil people love to belittle others, no matter how horribly it makes the other person feel. Belittling others makes them feel better, giving them an ego boost which makes them feel good while it makes others feel small. They have a bad habit of relentlessly teasing other people about their weaknesses, failures, and insecurities. These people will shoot down all ideas, not because the suggestions are not good, but because they love to find fault in everything and everyone. And when they dismiss an idea, they won’t provide constructive feedback or other possible options. They’ll just happily point out all the flaws or defects in everything that they did not propose. Usually, it’s less about the suggested ideas and more about these people’s terrible attitude and behavior.

They Feel Extremely Entitled

More often than not, cruel people feel extremely entitled for one reason or another. Most of them think that the world should just fall at their feet and that they are “owed,” but for what, no one really knows. And what’s worse is that when things don’t pan out in the way they believe it should, it’s everyone else’s fault but theirs. These narcissists have an over-exaggerated sense of self-importance, believing life owes them success, fame, and a high standard of living. They love to talk about themselves, and they will only listen to you if you’re talking about their success. They impose unrealistic demands on others, expecting family and friends to attend to their every whim, but they feel sorry for themselves if things don’t work out the way they wanted. Then, they’ll indulge in more than a little self-pity, being overly melodramatic and seeking attention because they believe they deserve every happiness. They also demonstrate double standards in the way they interact with other people; they can forget their responsibilities and commitments to others, but other people should always keep their commitments to them.

They Are Terribly Deceitful

Evil people are terribly deceitful, never caring about how their actions affect others. These scheming people will pretend to be your friend, earn your trust, and learn your secrets. They will say they’re happy for you when you share good news or your success with them, but in truth, they are envious and jealous. Then, you’ll learn that they’re terrible blabbermouths who can’t keep their mouth shut. They will talk about you when you’re not around, and they’ll create stories that allow for intrigue, jealousy, rivalry, and oppression. Deceitful people are jealous and judgmental, and they’ll be doling out criticisms and negative opinions. They will spread rumors that promote disharmony and all sorts of conflict. They’re also extremely insecure, and they will fabricate stories that can either make them appear better than you or damage your reputation. They will do absolutely anything and everything in their power, no matter how wrong or how malicious, just to achieve whatever illusions they might have in their wicked minds.

They Have Zero Remorse

Fighting with people, even those we love, is just an inevitable part of life. Unlike wicked people, most feel bad about what happened and try to fix the problem before it becomes irreparable. Evil people though couldn’t care less about how the other person feels as they have zero remorse if they treat others horribly, having no guilt or shame for their vicious actions. People that show no remorse are often called sociopaths. A sociopath is a technical term for a person with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). They have no fear, and they don’t care how other people see them unless it leads to their exposure, preventing them from displaying more antisocial behavior. They break rules and make reckless decisions without feeling guilty if they caused any harm. They can do the most wicked things and feel no remorse about the consequences of their actions. One can say they don’t have a conscience, and without a conscience, they don’t feel bad about any negative behavior or damage they do.

They Believe The World Revolves Around Them

More often than not, black-hearted people truly believe that the world revolves around them. Their sense of importance and relevance is so bad that they can’t imagine that they are not the center of every single situation. It’s too much of a slap in the face for them to think that they aren’t the reason for the sun to shine. Everything has to be about these attention-seekers. When they talk, they want people to listen. However, when it’s another person’s turn to share, they’ll be on their phones, or they’ll just pretend to listen. When other people are talking, these narcissists are thinking you’re wasting their precious time, and you owe them because they allowed you your turn in the spotlight. These are the same people who will dump all their negative views on you. They will rant about their problems and how unfair the world is and how other people are to blame for everything that’s gone wrong in their lives. If you want to give them some helpful advice, remember that they don’t want to hear what you think; they just want you to sit there and be their emotional punching bag.

They Have Tons Of Enemies

Most of the time, wicked people tend to be overly friendly only to hide the fact that they have tons of enemies. They will constantly tell you that they are a nice person. However, you’ll notice that they have no genuine friends, and they tend to talk negatively about everyone from their past. They will tell you they had a falling-out with certain people because they were misunderstood. But like most evil people, they can’t continue to fool everyone forever as their past will eventually catch up to them. Or you’ll realize why they don’t have friends when they start talking behind your back and pointing out everything that’s wrong with you. You might even join the pool of enemies when you realize these wicked people are selfish, egoistic, manipulative, and abusive liars. If you don’t want to find yourself in the “frenemy” category, then just steer clear of them from the start.

They Are Full Of Hate

Most villainous people are full of hatred. Not only do they feel incredibly high and mighty, where their thoughts and emotions are more important than anyone else’s, but they also tend to be racist, homophobic, bigots and tend to bash other people’s beliefs. And to top it all off, they don’t think that there is anything wrong with what they are saying. At work, they will complain about everyone and everything. They will vent about the boss, their colleagues, the clients, the computers, the work, and even the drinking water. Among friends, they will criticize your clothes, your hair, your car, the way you talk, and maybe even the way you chew your food. You’ll find that most of their issues are quite unreasonable and offensive, and if you tell them so, expect them to lash out at you. All this irrational hatred toward people, actions, and things is a major red flag that you’re dealing with an evil and toxic person.