Today Special : National Chocolate Cake Day

Today Special : National Chocolate Cake Day


Today Special : National Chocolate Cake Day

Dear Chocolate Cake,

It was love at first bite. You may come in many forms: layered, molten, bundt, fluffy, mousse-y, decadent, frosted… …but we love you all the same. You’re the reason we know what happiness tastes like. Your special day may only come once a year on January 27th, but you’re also the reason we know how to REALLY celebrate a birthday or a sweet valentine. We would make ourselves sick over you. We would steal the last piece for you. We’d even lick the bowl for you. But no matter what, we’ll keep coming back for you.

Thank you always for your chocolatey, decadent goodness.


All the Chocolate Cake Lovers of the World


  1. Get Creative : Ever heard of lavender-infused truffle or a Mexican chili chocolate? Bring out your inner gourmet chef and incorporate an exciting ingredient in your next chocolate cake.
  2. Become the Next Cake Boss : Take a baking class to flex your chocolate cake “muscles” for an enlightening culinary experience. Bring a friend or loved one as your chocolate sous chef and bake your way to chocolatey goodness.
  3. Indulge In Your Cheat Day : Indulge in your guilty pleasure by making a trip to your local bakery or restaurant that serves your favorite chocolate cake.


  1. It’s the Most Memorable Baked Good : We can all reflect on past birthday celebrations and reminisce about an epic cake being present. Cake and chocolate are ingrained into American culture as natural symbols of love and celebration. No matter how you slice it, a chocolate cake might be the most memorable guest of the party.
  2. It’s Just The Right Chemistry : Cake evolved from early leavened breads, which were sweetened with natural ingredients like honey, fruit, and nuts and then expanded to include ingredients like vanilla and chocolate. Its simple combination of ingredients, most notably chocolate, work harmoniously to trigger our brain’s natural production of opiates, which help alleviate pain and increase our positive feeling of well-being. It’s clearly the perfect combination of both simple and sweet.
  3. It Leaves Us Smitten : Chocolate triggers the release of serotonin and endorphins, which are neurotransmitters for happiness and pleasure. It also contains phenylethylamine, which elevates our mood when feel happiness or love. Who knew getting emotional over chocolate was so natural?