Today Special : National Fragrance Day

Today Special : National Fragrance Day


Today Special : National Fragrance Day

Fragrance has always played an important role throughout history—royalty flaunted it, business empires were changed by it (hello, Chanel), and with just one whiff, a certain fragrance can transport you back in time to a childhood memory, remind you of a person in your life that you love, or, well, someone you loathe. So on March 21, celebrate your love of all things fragrant with National Fragrance Day.


  1. Create a fragrance : If you happen to live in an area with a fragrance design studio, then March 21 is the day to finally make an appointment. No fragrance studio? No problem. You can still celebrate and create your own unique scent by blending different essential oils (Google “DIY Essential Oil” for recipes) or order a fragrance making kit online.
  2. Spread the love : Sure, fragrance is a personal preference, but anything is better than stink, stank, and stunk. Take initiative and surprise your coworkers by loading your office with potpourri, air fresheners, Eau do Toilette sprays, and diffusers.
  3. Host a unique potluck : Buying a new fragrance is a commitment, so invite friends over for a dinner party—just be sure to specify it’s for fragrances, not food. Whether they bring their own bottle, a new bottle as a gift, or samples of fragrances, a potluck is great way to celebrate National Fragrance Day and try out new scents.


  1. Libraries : Job interview? Stroll in smelling like you’ve just read a thousand books and you’ve got this in the bag.
  2. Money : Smelling like cash itself is the closest thing you can get to being made of money!
  3. Dark Chocolate : Craving chocolate? Just spritz!
  4. Pine wood : It smells delicious as a candle—just image the subtle scent of freshly cut pine as a perfume.
  5. The world after it rains : “Petrichor” is the smell of rain upon the earth.
  6. Mint : For when you want to smell as fresh as brushed teeth feel.
  7. Smoke : It’s like walking around with the memory of warm, pleasing glow of the bonfire still on your skin.


  1. Fragrances have mental benefits : Fragrance is more than just something to make us smell better—certain fragrances also have mental and physical benefits. For instance, peppermint can help energize, lavender can help decrease stress, and jasmine can help with sleep.
  2. You can never have too many : If you’ve had your eye (or nose) on a new fragrance, then there’s no better day to add to your collection. Since different occasions and seasons call for difference scents, a person can never have too many different ones—just don’t wear them all at once!
  3. It replaces the bad with good : Although everyone can’t agree on their favorite smell, we all recognize universally bad ones. When everyone plays their part on National Fragrance Day, stink is overpowered—and that’s something we can breathe easy about.