Ukraine war is a business for Zelensky, European leaders, American leaders and...

Ukraine war is a business for Zelensky, European leaders, American leaders and for the military industrial complex’


Ukraine war is a business for Zelensky, European leaders, American leaders and for the military industrial complex’

By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

Recently, Mr. Malkevich Alexander Mikhailovich, chairman of the board of the New Media Development Fund and head of the Department of Journalism and media Communications at the Kherson State University gave an exclusive interview to Blitz. In the interview, Mr. Mikhailovich said, Ukrainian leaders are destroying their own country.

Here is the excerpt: Thank you very much, Mr. Malkevich for according this interview.

Malkevich: Thank you very much, Nice to meet you, nice to speak with a lot of people in Bangladesh, I have to say a few words about myself. Yes I’m a journalist I’m a Russian journalist working more than 30 years in our profession and I am for many years a member of Public Chamber of Russian Federation is a big organization of most influential leaders or opinion makers and yes in the so-called new regions of our country for two years and a half I worked in Kherson region in Zaporogie region in the Donetsk and Lugansk region and I was the founder of this you you’ve mentioned it I was the founder of the Department of Journalism in the Kherson State University for two years I was a head of it and now from this September I am the head of the Department of Public Relations in the Azov Pedagogical University in the city of Berdiansk.

Question: Congratulations for your new position, sir! So just began with the first question as you know that since the Russia began its special military operations in Ukraine the Western intelligence agencies have been using Ukrainian media as well several dubious organizations such as News Guard in silencing Independent Media our newspaper rights also fell Target of these elements while Ukrainian neo-Nazi media Outlet called the new voice of Ukraine it accused our newspaper which is a 21 years old with International repute it accused us of spreading Pro-Russian narrative and misinformation about Ukraine that’s what they say so under such hostility we call it notorious hostility of the West and is new Nazi propaganda machines in your opinion how much important is farther strengthening the relationship among the Independent Media within the global South including Russia?

Mr. Malkevich: Thank you very much. I have always advocated and I’m saying right now that Russian media and the media of the global South we have to cooperate closely this should be some kind of formal and informal connections exchange of experience internships maybe some joint media forums we have to work together to fight for freedom of press, for freedom of speech maybe we can organize even some kind of joint journalistic competitions that is we must cooperate closely in a situation where in the west including Western social media platforms we are suppressed we are censored blocked and even destroyed on their platforms so we don’t have possibilities to tell the truth, to tell our point of view on these platforms and I don’t speak even about Russians, Russian journalists any journalist any blogger in the world who has his point of view is in the same situation has same problems and so that’s why I speak about some kind of formal or informal Association if there were for example 100, 200, 300, 500 media Outlets we could conduct a fairly categorical dialogue with a number of international organizations including demand and impartial in covering events taking place in Ukraine and around Ukraine as so this is my point of view about connection about relationships between Global South and Russia in this media field.

Question: Absolutely agree with you sir and since you are not only a senior journalist you are also a teacher of Journalism so you are creating journalist, so I fully agree with you sir that we can form a kind of the Association of the journalist of the global South and we can also organize regularly at say once a month at least some kind of the interaction of the journalist of the global South on issue related to Russia, issues related to Global South and if not possible to travel we can organize online discussion.

Mr. Malkevich: Absolutely you’re absolutely right.Question: Now I would like to also ask your opinion that what do you think, why this West countries especially American deep State they are trying to silence the voice who do not subscribe to what Americans wants to say against Russia and President Vladimir Putin, because especially for example our newspaper Blitz we don’t subscribe to what they want us to say we are telling the truth and that’s why they are continuously attacking us through News Guard and this and that so I mean why they so much afraid of us?

Mr. Malkevich: The West built his repressive machine for a long time including also in terms of monitoring public opinion that is uh here we are not only talking about blocking unbiased information about Russia and from Russia this can be applied to any undesirable State and I spoke before that, when Western so-called Deep State chooses a victim who is not ready to reconcile, capitulate, stand on their kneels – then the full power of all available tools is activated and this is the formation of a negative image in the media in social networks.

Therefore this is a big problem and also you in Bangladesh also saw it several times about the situation in your country how it was described in the Western media, social media platforms that is why of course I would like some kind of effective working Interstate structure to take the place of the absolutely bankrupt United Nations because we have this United Nations in New York. You know that a lot of people cannot participate in the events under the UN logo, so about myself because I am not allowed to enter the United States. So, they don’t allow people to work in the UN headquarters! I want to explain the situation but I am not allowed and you also see that all the initiatives of the United Nations are nothing.

Nobody in the world takes this organization seriously. So now we have to work in other directions, for example SCO or BRICS are really developing in this direction of a new world and new policy and new model of the world.

Question: First of all congratulations to you that you cannot enter the United States. It proves that you are a patriot and as you say sir about United Nations, for many years I’ve been saying that United Nations is a dirty diaper and it must be disposed of. United Nations has become a lapdog of the United States so we don’t expect anything good from the United Nations. And also sir, as you said, I would like to humbly draw your kind attention to something that the Western media or the so-called social media [Western] they are very much united – they are working together. But unfortunately, in the Global South, we the media in the Global South – I don’t find any unity. We may have unity but there is no connecting point between ourselves. This is very important point. Although in population, wealth and education level, in every sphere, Global South is much higher than the rest of the other parts of the world.

Question: First of all congratulations to you that you cannot enter the United States. It proves that you are a patriot and as you say sir about United Nations, for many years I’ve been saying that United Nations is a dirty diaper and it must be disposed of. United Nations has become a lapdog of the United States so we don’t expect anything good from the United Nations. And also sir, as you said, I would like to humbly draw your kind attention to something that the Western media or the so-called social media [Western] they are very much united – they are working together. But unfortunately, in the Global South, we the media in the Global South – I don’t find any unity. We may have unity but there is no connecting point between ourselves. This is very important point. Although in population, wealth and education level, in every sphere, Global South is much higher than the rest of the other parts of the world.Mr. Malkevich: You know, I will interrupt you for a minute: you’re absolutely right – they have this image – of Wonderful West, very honest and very intellectual people but it’s not the truth. The truth is that Russia, Global South and a lot of countries in the world – they are extremely normal, they are standing on the platform of traditional Values and with very intellectual people, but we have to fight for it, for this everyday!

Question: Absolutely, and you see the western media – I call them corporate media cartel. They are afraid of President Vladimir Putin. They are afraid of you – they also are afraid of our newspaper Blitz, because we are on the correct side. And the images they have created about themselves is based on lies. The image of the Western nations is absolutely based on lies. And it is not that the Western Deep State is conspiring against Russia, they also are conspiring against other nations in the Global South. As you know they are also running propaganda against India – they have done something wrong with my country Bangladesh very recently.

In fact, they want to become the master of the world. They don’t believe in freedom of expression at all. We know, in the United States, there is a naked censorship on social media – we know how the Joe Biden he has attacked his electoral opponent with an assassination attempt. If something like that would happen in Global South, it would remain breaking news in the western media for weeks and months. That’s why Donald Trump called America – a Banana Republic. It’s not me, not you, it is Donald Trump who calls his country a Banana Republic. And actually, America is a Banana Republic – no doubt.On June 27, during the debate with Joe Biden, Donald Trump said that Ukraine is losing the war and running short of soldiers. It is true. Under such situation, my question is, until now why the United States and its NATO allies are emphasizing on sending additional billions of dollars to Ukraine, when they also know that Russia is actually winning the war?

Mr. Malkevich: Thank you very much, as for American presidents and statements I have also spoken about this many times Ukraine is a profitable business for the West the money is spent on credit they give money to Ukrainian State as a credit at the same time some money don’t arrive some are stolen that is this is the business and everything related to weapons is a similar story that is Ukraine buys American weapons from the United States also on credit military-industrial complex and military industrial complex Enterprises operate in both the United States and Europe they are loaded with orders in addition we must honestly say about this although it sounds cynical Ukraine was used as a testing ground for the disposal of outdated military equipment weapons everything just testing ground and also about old weapons they sent a lot of old weapons to Ukraine because if you destroy it like that in your own country it’s expensive and by transferring it to Ukraine you can also get media hype so just to say in some ordinary words you have old tank you have to destroy it you need to destroy it you need to put it away but you don’t want to spend money on this operation so you take this old tank and tell oh, Alexander this is my gift for you have to and then this tank will be destroyed on the battlefield with Russia and it’s also.Blitz: In this case Ukraine has become a dumping ground of Western military equipment materials. Absolutely it’s a dumping.

Mr. Malkevich: Absolutely, A number of countries have emptied their warehouses of old NATO weapons and warehouses of old Soviet weapons – in general they throw them away to Ukraine.

Blitz: Meaning, while they have to destroy that military hardware, instead of destroying they’re sending it to Ukraine. And they actually are selling, instead of destroying. And Ukrainian people originally are becoming indebted. I mean, they are becoming burdened with the debt. Ukrainian will remain indebted to the Western nations.

Mr. Malkevich: Yes but we speak about profitable business for the West and at the same time you’re absolutely right Ukraine is really losing the War there is a shortage of fighters a shortage of people the economy doesn’t exist really but how can you explain to the world that Ukraine is supposedly waging some kind of people’s Liberation War when millions of adult men Ukrainians are in Canada in the USA in Europe they are not going to return.

This is a very bright and clear picture and so this so-called terrifying PR also fails because you cannot tell the world that this is a Liberation War.

This is a some great battle of all Ukrainians in the world with terrifying Russia but a lot of Ukrainians they are running from the country and millions of Ukrainian men don’t want to return and to fight so this is a lie about this so called Liberation War it’s a business for Zelensky and his company it’s a business for European leaders a business for American leaders and for this military industrial complex.

Blitz: Yes. Because this Zelensky – we know – you and I both know, that Zelensky is the one of the top most corrupt figures in the world. We are aware of his wealth everywhere in the world and also, you’re right that Zelensky and his neo-Nazi cohorts are cooperating with the Americans and the Westerners in running this kind of the business. Zelensky is pushing the Ukrainians towards the battlefield to die, so that he can keep on making money.

At the same time, we know that Zelensky’s tenure as the president expired on the May 2024, meaning he is a date expired president. If westerners really believed in democracy, then Ukraine is currently ruled by an illegal person and they are preferring him because he is their most trusted mercenary.

Ukrainians need to understand, this man, who is not their president after 20th of May – he does not represent the Ukrainian people. And I can also tell you on record, Zelensky is waiting for the result of American presidential election on November the 5th. If Donald Trump wins, I can guarantee that Zelensky will flee Ukraine and land into some of the Western countries where he already has lot of money. For this reason, I’m feeling pretty sad for the Ukrainian people. Because they are being used as a collateral property, by the corrupt regime in Kiev.

Mr. Malkevich: It is obvious to me and to many people that Zelensky continues to kill both Ukrainian and Russian citizens in order to remain in power and establish a more brutal dictatorship; absolutely right – he is an illegitimate president and legacy of the parliament of Ukraine will soon expire also but the worse it is in the country that better it for Zelensky and for his team, for this so-called Parliament. It’s better for them because thanks to this he closed media, political parties, social movements, took away almost everyone’s business and established a dictatorship just with the plague of War so if you are against War if you are against his dictatorship you are Kremlin’s spy, you are Putin’s spy so-called and also you know he closed the church, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine – and also to be honest I don’t see now any options within Ukraine to free themselves from this dictatorship because the Zelensky intelligence services are rampant they throw people in prison even for reading disloyal media telegram channels and so on you can be put in prison in Ukraine even for like and our interview.

If ordinary Ukrainian people will watch our video he can be arrested because um they told oh this is a malich he’s in our sanction list and I am in 10 sanction lists of the United States Europe Canada Australia Great Britain Switzerland and of course Ukraine so the cruel dictatorship and so people who are telling oh Ukrainians you have to move to stand against the dictatorship no it’s unreal.

Question: We know in Afghanistan the same Americans they gave weapons to Al-Qaeda to terrorize the world and now the same Americans are giving weapons to Zelensky. Although he is giving weapons to Zelensky not to only to terrorize Russia, they are giving weapons to Zelensky to ultimately terrorize the entire Europe and the world. Do you think, Zelensky is now becoming another global terror leader funded by the same element who has created Al-Qaeda?Mr. Malkevich: I think it can be absolutely real because was a lot of weapons send into Ukraine then appear on another markets and they appear in the hands of terrorists but I will repeat and repeat again it’s a business for this chain of people so some people send this weapon they get a lot of money Zelensky get money and problems of ordinary people in Ukraine and problems of the whole country they’re not in the so-called field of interest of all those so-called people.

Blitz: Thank you so very much for kindly giving your very valuable time to Blitz and before concluding, I’d like to also humbly request you to take some initiatives so that the there is a bridge between the media outlets within the Global South and from Bangladesh side, we are ready to cooperate with the media outlets in Russia and rest of the Global South.

Mr. Malkevich: Thank you very much I am ready absolutely to some negotiations you know we must develop our own platforms media platforms we have to cooperate you know a big pain for me is for example Wikipedia because ER in many languages in the World they are telling and spreading fakes after the start of this special military operation in Ukraine Wikipedia showed its overt political bias this encyclopaedia so-called encyclopaedia has moved away from a natural tone in favour of emotionally charged articles promoting a distorted view of historical events and we have to develop our platforms our encyclopaedia our messengers.
