USA Must Be Urged To Permit Visit To Guantanamo Bay Detention Centre...

USA Must Be Urged To Permit Visit To Guantanamo Bay Detention Centre By Indian Parliamentary Delegation


USA Must Be Urged To Permit Visit To Guantanamo Bay Detention Centre By Indian Parliamentary Delegation

To eradicate terrorism permanently the Government of India on August 5 scrapped the special status under Article 370 of the Constitution and bifurcated the State of Jammu & Kashmir in into Union Territories — Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. Restrictions were imposed in the State to prevent terrorists and their supporters may creating trouble.

Normal life remained affected for a few weeks in Kashmir as main markets and other business establishments continued to remain closed. Mobile services remained suspended in Kashmir except in Handwara and Kupwara areas in the north, while Internet services — across all platforms – continued to be non functional in the Valley.

Slowly restrictions were eased and life has started to return to normal in entire J&K. Except few sensitive areas, mobile services have been restored, schools have reopened and people are going about their daily lives as usual. Only people who are terribly affected are the Separatists, the vile terrorists and their supporters.

A few politicians who have been reaping huge benefits from Article 370 for last few decades are seething with anger more so because their doings have been exposed to the general public of the State.

Pakistan too is running around like a headless chicken, not knowing what to do to create havoc in the Indian State of J& K, as all its dream of annexing the territory lies shattered.

Knowing all this, it is a big surprise that Indian-American lawmaker Pramila Jayapal along with 13 other US Congressmen have urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address concerns over the human rights situation in Kashmir and lift the communications blackout.

A statement, addressed to Prime Minister Modi, was issued jointly by Congressmen Gilbert R.Cisneros, Jr, Judy Chu, Pramila Jayapal, Carolyn Maloney, Gerald Connolly, Ilhan Omar, Barbara Lee, Al Green, Zoe Lofgren, Andy Levin, Mike Levin, James P. McGovern, Jan Schakowsky, and Katie Porter.

“On behalf of thousands of families across the country who have been unable to contact family in Jammu and Kashmir, we are urging Prime Minister Modi to lift the communications blackout and address the ongoing humanitarian concerns. India is an important US partner and the world’s largest democracy.

As such, we hope that the Government of India will demonstrate leadership and lift these restrictions. The people of Jammu and Kashmir deserve the same rights as any other citizen of India,” the statement issued by the lawmakers said in the joint statement.

The joint statement, the lawmakers said, is in response to the imposition of media blackout starting August 5, leaving millions in Jammu and Kashmir without access to mobile phones or the internet while many others have been detained.

“As a result, family members in the United States and elsewhere have had no ability to contact loved ones in Jammu and Kashmir, leading to concerns about their welfare,” said the statement, the lead in which was taken by Congressman Cisneros, who is a Member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and an Executive Board Member of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.

India has rightly asserted that the abrogation of Article 370 of its Constitution to withdraw Jammu and Kashmir’s special status was its internal matter.

Imposition of restrictions in the Kashmir Valley were put to prevent Pakistan from creating more mischief through proxies and terrorists. The restrictions in Kashmir have been lifted in phases from many parts of the Valley as the situation improved with the passage of time.

We Indians are in full agreement with the USA lawmakers. We too are equally concerned with functioning of democracy in United States of America. Therefore it is urged that mobiles be given to each detainee in the Guantanamo Bay Detention Centre along with internet facilities.

Indian parliamentary delegations and Press should be permitted to visit not only this but also all prisons run by USA in Afghanistan, Iraq and in USA to see that mobile and internet facilities are being made available or not.

We would also like to get first hand information from refugee camps in USA where all those entering “ illegally “ from Mexico are being detained. Some very disturbing reports tarnishing the Democratic image of USA, have been received from these detention Centers.

We are confident that a democratic nation like USA will start taking corrective actions sooner than later. The 14 Lawmakers must demonstrate a bit more concern for their USA in comparison to what they are showing for India.