Why body language is important for communication?

Why body language is important for communication?


Why body language is important for communication?

Konkana Bakshi

Ever wondered why body language is important for communication? Because it simply enhances the way you communicate.
1. Use of hands: Your hands make your communication come alive and makes it more decipherable. Use your hands in a measured way. Don’t use your hands constantly or the person’s gaze will be fixed at your hands rather than your eyes. Locking your hands is also not a good idea. Use of hands is extremely important. It emphasises on what you’re going to talk about. So, be free in your body language. Most people clench their fists, they cross their hands and put them in their pockets. Why? Because they don’t know what to do with their hands. But they’re not meant to be moved around excessively.

2. Eye contact: The eyes are the windows to your soul. When you meet a person, look them in the eye. It shows how sincere and friendly you are. Don’t look away to see who’s coming in or what’s happening. Always make an eye contact and don’t look around. Look at the kind of togetherness that two people have when we look at each other. The impact of deep, piercing eyes is beautiful and reflects on your sincerity. But use it in a measured manner in business to avoid coming across as being too personal or intimate.

3. Smile: Smile! It will make you seem friendlier. When you smile at the other person, they tend to be in agreement with you. It also means that the negotiation or the discussion will be a lot more fruitful.