World Kidney Day 2021 : Expert Busts Common Myths About Kidney Stones

World Kidney Day 2021 : Expert Busts Common Myths About Kidney Stones


World Kidney Day 2021 : Expert Busts Common Myths About Kidney Stones

World Kidney Day 2021: Kidney stone is a painful condition. Here are some myths about kidney stones you should stop believing.
World Kidney Day 2021: Expert Busts Common Myths About Kidney Stones

The theme for the World Kidney Day 2021 is ‘living well with kidney disease’

World Kidney Day : Kidney stone is one of the common kidney diseases that affect many these days. It is a painful condition that may require surgery to treat it effectively. But, not many people are aware about different facts about kidney stones. Many myths surrounding the condition may affect treatment and adequate diagnosis of the condition. As World Kidney Day is approaching, let us use this opportunity to bust poplar myths around kidney stones.

World Kidney Day 2021: Myths about kidney stones

A kidney stone can be described as a solid material that tends to form in one’s kidneys owing to the higher levels of certain substances. You may encounter excruciating pain when the stone tends to pass via the urinary tract. You will exhibit symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, blood in the urine, loin pain and inability to pass the urine properly.

But, often people fret owing to the rumors that are surrounded by this condition. Thus, it is necessary to separate facts from the myths and lead a healthy life as untreated kidney stones can cause chronic kidney disease (CKD) or even kidney failure that will require dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Myth 1: Kidney stones do not recur in later life

This is not true at all. If you encounter the problem of kidney stones once, then there are higher chances of it recurring in later life. Occurrence of stones can be hereditary also and hence runs in the family. So, to slash down the chance of the recurrence of your kidney stones, you will have to drink enough water, maintain optimum weight and opt for a diet that is low in sodium and protein.

Myth 2: One must drink cranberry juice to get rid of kidney stones

Drinking cranberry juice might help if one has urinary tract infections (UTIs). It helps to expel more fluids from the body and may prevent infection. But, drinking cranberry juice to tackle kidney stones is not advisable as it can worsen the matter. You will be shocked to know that cranberry juice contains oxalate in higher quantities that invites kidney stones. Say no to cranberry juice instead you should drink a lot of water.


Drinking cranberry juice may not help treat kidney stones, says expert

Myth 3: One should opt for olive oil to pass those painful kidney stones

Many people believe that drinking olive oil can be beneficial in passing kidney stones without pain. This is not true at all. Olive oil is just a lubricant, which goes down into the stomach, when you drink it and not directly into the kidneys and there is no substantial evidence regarding olive oil’s role in dealing or preventing kidney stones.

Myth 4: One may encounter the problems of kidney stones by calcium in the milk

It is actually advisable to consume milk and milk products and get the right amount of calcium in the diet. Calcium in the diet combines with the oxalate and this product is then excreted out in the stool unabsorbed. If diet is deficient in calcium, more dietary oxalate gets absorbed in the body and reaches to the kidneys in higher concentrations. Oxalate is much more notorious than calcium to form painful kidney stones. In fact, not taking calcium can make you prone to kidney stones. There is no harm in having a glass of milk or eating other foods containing calcium. But, do it in the right quantity.

Myth 5: Kidney stone pain resembles stomach ache

The pain is not at all like dull stomach pain. The pain can be unbearable when the stone tends to move via one’s urinary tract.