Worry Never Pays

Worry Never Pays


Worry Never Pays


Col Kanwar Badam, VSM

(The poet underlines the attitude of people to worry than to be happy. Worries beget worries, happiness begets happiness.It is the faith in God and confidence in self which translate worries into happy moments)

To worry does no good at all
But does a lot of harm
It puts cross lines upon your face
And dissipates your charm

Whatever is to be, will be
That worry cannot change
It only serves to dim your joy
And all your friends estrange

Lack of confidence in self
Causes worry’s fright
Lack of faith in God
Your happiness will blight

Worries trap you
In anxiety
Releases you
From anxiety
Be an architect of your life
Don’t worry, be happy

Cast away
Gloomy thoughts
And bid your dark fears flee Live in the light of faith and love
Joyful and worry free